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Internet of Missions

An In Progress Concept Note.

The network of networks, it's backbone AmadeusWeb and the Power of the Webring!


Behind the scenes we are "gearing up" for 2025. You may see

Peace on Earth, Goodwill to ALL!

"Samasta Loka Sukhino Bhavantu" or "Let the entire world be happy"

11 years later, here we are, once again at beginnings! With a little more courage, grit and determination.

A network of progressively thinking individuals.
Learning / Sharing
Self Expression
Personal Growth
Giving Back
Omission of the Negative

Some Directives

Think good. Express love
A website without clutter.
A larger place to dovetail into
Promote ideas and activities
Help others and heal hurts
Spawn some of the 1000 loving movements
Share inspiring and useful information
Find people to help and mentor you
Find good habits and healthy perspectives

Don't compete, coexist Promote the works of healers, teachers, social workers Share your thoughts Devote quality time to friends and yourself Recreational writing / connect with people Pay it forward and grow happy Help across all strata of society Be a harbinger of change and a force for good Be at peace with yourself

2017 Video

From our Past

us in 2015