Vishwas is a support group for people going through a spiritual emergence or process during their mental health crisis and beyond.

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Documentaries and Social Media

  1. Emerging Proud
    By: Katie Mottram

    Emerging Proud features accounts of people telling their personal transformation journey story, to show that it is possible to go from breakdown to breakthrough; what kinds of things they experienced, and what helped them to work their way out of the chrysalis. See also Resources and Brochure.

  2. Shades of Awakening

    A Face book Group with more than 5K members is an excellent source of support and resources

  3. Spiritual Emergency Coaching
    By: Emma Bragdon

    Emma Bragdon trains Spiritual Emergency Coaches which you can learn about on her site.

  4. Crisis guide
    By: Spiritual Emergence Network

    Spiritual Emergence Network Has a Bolg for Crisis Management

    By: Phil Borges and Team

    Crazywise is a 2016 documentary film that explores how people from around the world have turned their psychological crises into positive experiences. The film also examines the traditional wisdom of indigenous cultures, which often contradicts modern views about mental health. Here's a Clip by the creator, Phil Borges


  1. The Call of Spiritual Emergency
    By: Emma Bragdon

    The Call of Spiritual Emergency: From Personal Crisis to Personal Transformation

  2. Spiritual Crisis
    By: Fransje de Waard

    Spiritual Crisis:Varieties and perspectives of a transpersonal phenomenon

  3. Spiritual Emergency: When personal transformation becomes a crisis
    By: Stanislov Grof & Christina Grof

    Spiritual Emergency - When personal transformation becomes a crisis.

  4. The Stormy Serach for the Self
    By: Christina Grof & Stanislov Grof

    The Stormy Search for the Self: A Guide to Personal Growth through Transformational Crisis

  5. Psychosis and Spirituality
    By: Isabel Clarke, Ed

    Psychosis and Spirituality

  6. Madness, mystery and the survival of God
    By: Isabel Clarke, Ed

    Madness, mystery and the survival of God

  7. Farther Shore
    By: Yvonne Kason, MD

    Farther Shores: Exploring How Near-Death, Kundalini and Mystical Experiences Can Transform Ordinary Lives . Dr. Yvonne Kason is one of a rare breed, a medical doctor who had multiple Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STEs), including 5 Near-Death Experiences (NDEs). In Soul Lessons from the Light, Dr. Kason intimately shares her fascinating and inspiring stories and lessons learned in her own spiritual awakening journey. From a Kundalini Awakening in medical school, to a plane-crash NDE as a young doctor, to a mystical experience that propelled her to come out of the closet and specialize her medical practice in STEs, to powerful mystical experiences in Israel that changed her life.||Dr. Kason also shares the moving story of her miraculous brain-healing, and the 2019 STE that inspired her to found Spiritual Awakenings International ®. She introduces the beautiful "Purifying the Heart" model, to understand the stages that spiritual seekers move through. Soul Lessons from the Light is an inspirational must-read for spiritual seekers everywhere.

  8. Touched by the Light
    By: Yvonne Kason, MD

    Touched by the Light: Exploring Spiritually Transformative Experiences

  9. Soul Lessons from the Light
    By: Yvonne Kason, MD

    Soul Lessons from the Light

  10. The Red Book
    By: Carl Young

    The Red Book

  11. Archetypes and the collective unconscious
    By: Carl Young

    Archetypes and the collective unconscious

  12. Symbols of Transformation
    By: Carl Young

    Symbols of Transformation

  13. Memories, Dreams and Reflections
    By: Carl Young

    Memories, Dreams and Reflections

  14. Maratos, Denise Christine.
    By: Carl Young

    Man and His Symbols

  15. Self in psychotic process
    By: John W Perry

    Self in psychotic process: Its Symbolization in Schizophrenia (Jungian Classics Series)

  16. Roots and Renewal in Myth and Madness
    By: John W Perry

    Roots and Renewal in Myth and Madness

  17. Trials of the Visionary Mind
    By: John W Perry

    Trials of the Visionary Mind:Spiritual Emergency and the Renewal Process

  18. The Farside of madness
    By: John W Perry

    The Farside of madness

  19. Acute religious experiences: madness, psychosis and religious studies
    By: Marie Grace Brook

    Acute religious experiences: madness, psychosis and religious studies:Dissertation on integrating Spirituality Transformative Experiences. See also this

  20. On the Psychology and Pathology of Extraordinary Experiences
    By: Maratos, Denise Christine.

    On the Psychology and Pathology of Extraordinary Experiences:Pacifica Graduate Institute ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2022.

  21. What is Self?
    By: Bernadette Roberts

    What is Self? A study of the spiritual journey in terms of consciousness

  22. Healing the Split
    By: John E Nelson

    Healing the Split:Integrating Spirit Into our understanding of the mentally ill

  23. Journey Through Transformation: A guide to mystical awakening, kundalini, emotional clearing and spiritual emergence
    By: Kaia Nightengale

    Journey Through Transformation: A guide to mystical awakening, kundalini, emotional clearing and spiritual emergence

  24. Exploration of the Inner World
    By: Anthony Boisen

    Exploration of the Inner World:A Study of Mental Disorder and Religious Experience

  25. In Case of spiritual emergency; Moving successfully through your awakening
    By: Catherine G. Lucas

    In Case of spiritual emergency; Moving successfully through your awakening

  26. Spiritual Psychaitries
    By: Natalie Tobert

    Spiritual Psychiatries: Mental Health Practices in India and UK

  27. Unshrinking Psychosis
    By: John Watkins

    Unshrinking Psychosis

  28. Varieties of religious experience
    By: William James

    Varieties of religious experience

  29. Rethinking Madness
    By: Paris Williams

    Rethinking Madness (Site includes free pdf)

  30. Mysticism
    By: Evelyn Underhill


  31. Selected Works of RD Liang
    By: RD Liang

    Selected Works of RD Liang

  32. The kundalini guide
    By: Bonnie greenwell

    The Kundalini Guide: A Companion for the Inward Journey (Inward Journey Guides)

  33. The awakening guide
    By: Bonnie greenwell

    The Awakening Guide: A Companion for the Inward Journey (Companions for the Inward Journey)

  34. Cosmic Wonderland
    By: Kathleen Haley Angus

    Cosmic Wonderland

  35. After the Ecstasy, the Laundry: How the Heart Grows Wise on the Spiritual Path
    By: Jack Kornfield

    After the Ecstasy, the Laundry: How the Heart Grows Wise on the Spiritual Path

  36. Saints and Madmen
    By: Russell Shorto

    Saints and Madmen: How Science Got Religion

  37. Breaking Down is Waking Up
    By: Dr. Russell Razzeque

    Breaking Down is Waking Up

  38. Am I Bipolar or Waking Up?
    By: Sean Blackwell

    Am I bipolar or waking up?

  39. NOTES: Non-Ordinary Transcendent Experiences
    By: Dr. Nicole Gruel

    NOTES: Non-Ordinary Transcendent Experiences

  40. Mend the Gap
    By: Katie Mottram

    Mend the Gap: Emerging Proud Books

  41. Scientists and academics share their awakening stories
    By: Multiple

    Scientists and academics share their awakening stories

  42. Introduction to Religious and Spiritual Experience
    By: Rankin

    Introduction to Religious and Spiritual Experience

  43. Schizophrenia: The Positive Perspective
    By: Peter Chadwick

    Schizophrenia: The Positive Perspective: Explorations at the Outer Reaches of Human Experience -

  44. The Hero with a Thousand Faces
    By: Joseph Campbell

    The Hero with a Thousand Faces: The Collected Works of Joseph Campbell

  45. Out of darkness
    By: Steve Taylor

    Out of the darkness:From Turmoil to Transformation

  46. The Leap
    By: Steve Taylor

    The Leap: The Psychology of Spiritual Awakening (An Eckhart Tolle Edition)

  47. Spiritual Science
    By: Steve Taylor

    Spiritual Science: Why Science needs Spirituality to make Sense of the World

  48. The Unselfish Spirit
    By: Mick Collins

    The Unselfish Spirit: Human Evolution in a time of Global Crisis

  49. Breaking Open
    By: Jules Evans and Dr. Tim Read

    Breaking Open:Finding a Way Through Spiritual Emergency

  50. Helping People with Spiritual Emergencies
    By: Dr. Bob Nelson

    Helping People with Spiritual Emergencies

  51. My Beautiful Psychosis
    By: Emma Goude

    My Beautiful Psychosis: Making sense of Madness

  52. Spiritual Psychosis
    By: Stephanie-El-Chakieh

    Spiritual Psychosis:Breaking the Concept of Mental Illness while Understanding Psychic or Extrasensory Perception and Transcendence

  53. The Bipolar Game Changer
    By: Andrea Grey

    The Bipolar Game Changer: Harvest Your Special Messages, Glorify Your Superpowers and Re-Uncover Your Mania to Level Up Your Life


  1. [Whole]
    By: Monika Goretzki

  2. [Leach]
    By: Donna Ann Leach

  3. Newsletter on SE

    International Journal of Transpersonal Studies


    American Center for Spiritually Transformative Experiences

  5. Chaya Grossberg's Newsletter
  6. ISPS-US Link

    International Society for Psychosocial Support for Psychosis

  7. Hearing Voices Network

Peer Support in India

  1. Eklavya Foundation for Mental Health

    Eklavya Foundation for Mental Health: Eklavya Foundation was established in September 2021. The foundation mainly focuses on 3 goals, conducting support group meetings for person with mental illness and their caregivers, spreading awareness in the general population, and stigma removal. The organization conducts several programs to fulfil these goals. The activities of the organization are conducted on a voluntary basis

  2. FaceMi
    By: Nirmala Srinivasan

    Families Alliance on Mental Illness, popularly known as "FACEMi India" was launched on September 12, 2015 in Bangalore, Karnataka, India. As a pan-Indian advocacy forum, it is engaged with the Cause for mental illness in families affected by Severe Mental Disorders (SMD)such as Schizophrenia and Bi-polar disorders ; and Common Mental Disorders (CMD) such as Anxiety, Depression, OCD etc. We operate as an informal group of families bound together by the common concern for the safety, security and dignity of our loved ones' life under treatment or in need of one. The urban middle class occupies a special place in our advocacy campaigns for the wellness and rights of People with Mental Illness (PwMI) and their families' needs.


    Using Peer Support In Developing Empowering Mental Health Services (UPSIDES):UPSIDES was launched in 2018 with the aim of establishing and scaling-up peer support interventions in diverse settings to address this problem.||Peer support is an evidence-based, yet under-used practice where those who have experienced mental health conditions, support others with similar conditions in their recovery journey.UPSIDES uses a multicentre, pragmatic randomised controlled trial and implementation research framework to assess the effectiveness and impact of the intervention.

  4. Mindclan curate inclusive and supportive resources for you can choose from to care for your mental health with ease. You have the right to find an affirmative and non-judgmental space that supports your mental health. They are here to make this process easier and less intimidating.

  5. Mindtalk
    By: Cadbams

    Cadabams has over three decades of experience in treating multiple mental health disorders of varying severity. With offerings that include out-patient consultations, hospitalization during emergencies, and rehabilitation ( both short and long-term), Cadabams is a complete mental healthcare provider.