SITE: "By Ritu"


As of my experience, let me tell you how motivation played a important role in my life. Motivation is nothing, but a belief you have on yourself or on others. When a person gets motivated, he or she tries to do it, even if they think they can't.

When I was a kid, I always thought that I would not be able to perform things, as a normal person. As time passed, I was put into a special school, where I was helped by people, to improve my self confidence.

The teachers of my school motivated me, saying that, you can do it and do it in a manner in which you are comfortable.

As I grew up, my confidence level improved and I used to give a try to each and every activity, and now, I never sit back and say, I can't.

I gained confidence on my self because I was motivated in such a manner. When I was a kid, I used to get motivated by others, and now, I am a self motivated person.